The Short & Sweet DC Collectibles DC Icons: Black Adam figure review

This is the first 6 inch DC Icons I have opened and I was pleasantly surprised, I have some New 52 figures and even do they are nice looking figures the New 52 figures have really bad articulation and you can't do much with them.
I picked this up because it was on sale, I was curious to see if this line of figures are better then the New 52 line and I can say they certainly are, don't get me wrong the articulation is not on a Mafex level but a much better figure then the New 52 Black Adam.  You can see this Black Adam figure comes with extra sets of hands one with a lighting effect which I think is badass, the figure itself is really nice and you can get him in some nice poses. He's a fun figure to play around with and as you can see him posed with Marvel Legends Iron Patriot he just about fits in with the 6 inch sale figures.
Icons are not a line I would pay full price for unless it was something super cool but if you can get them for less the 20 euro then this figure is worth picking up.
5 as a perfect figure
4 as an excellent figure
3 as a great figure
2 as a good figure
1 as an OK figure
👎 is a not to waste your money figure.
So with that said I give this figure 2.
