The Short and Sweet Marvel Select: Spider-Man Homecoming Action Figure review

What a lovely figure, it looks really cool, the color is great and you won't believe it but this figure has double jointed elbows 🙌 . That's the way to do it Diamond Select !, their is bang for your buck here not only does the figure look great but the articulation is good and the diorama is a well sculpted piece that works for Mr Parker and with some extra pairs of hands I'm happy out with this one.
Yes some web effects would have been perfect and the thigh cut is still around which is the stupidest thing to be on a figure let alone a Spiderman figure but I live in hope that they will come to their senses some day with that.
Over all this is a worth while buy that you will have fun with, the thigh cut limits poses but he can sill do some fun stuff and I would recommend this one for your display.

5 as a perfect figure
4 as an excellent figure
3 as a great figure
2 as a good figure
1 as an OK figure
👎 is a not to waste your money figure.
So with that said I give this figure a 3.


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