Play Arts Kai Rouges Gallery - The Joker (Bootleg)

Play Arts Kai is one of my favorite line of figures but over the last couple of years the prices have sky rocketed and have forced me to go the bootleg route. Now this is not my first bootleg but my second ,the first was a Black Widow and at the time I thought was a legit figure but when I seen the DC logo on the box I knew I had my first bootleg, Black Widow was a great figure and I had to do some research with photos to find the differences between the two.
Fast forward to the release of the Deadpool, Wolverine and the rouges gallery I have decided to start buying the bootlegs as the legit figures have become to costly to keep up with so here is my first review of the PAK's.
It's a great figure I love how this figure looks it's crazy and insane looking which I think is how the Joker might look if he dressed up as batman for Halloween. The sculpt looked a little busy like their was to much going on when I looked at pic's online but in person it looks great, the articulation is good like on all PAK's and you'll be able to put him in lots of poses put make sure to run a hairdryer over the figure to warm it up and that will help move the joints more freely and may prevent something snapping of parts in your hands and of course the tears that follow so I do this now with all figures bootleg or legit. The colours on the figure is perfect exactly what I would think a Joker/Batman might look like out of the comic's and if you've seen the Batman who laughs from Dark Knight Metal you'll know what Batman would look like as the Joker and in this figure you see the Joker as Batman so the sculpt and colour look good to me.
Now the Hot Toys version is a less busy looking figure and with a Crazy Toys version out that is more a statue I will have to get it at some stage to see which is the best looking Joker Batman figure at this price point out there. I am slowly building a Batman collection and this is a must have as how could you not have Joker dressed as Batman and with he TwoFace Batman and Mr.Freeze Batman out there I'll have to start saving.
As a bootleg I can not find much fault with these PAK's unlike Mezco bootlegs the face paint on these are great and because PAK's bootlegs have been around longer they have perfected he figures, the boxes are great, the shells on the inside are a little light but it's just a case of taking it easy with them. 
Now got I to say buying bootlegs in china can be hit and miss I have lost money on ebay three times with sellers that seem to disappear a week after you pay them and even if you get the figure it can take along time to get the item and the packing it terrible with no tracking so I have to give a shout out to a guy called Jie Peng who I found a while back and I can say is a very trustworthy guy. He does great prices the items they usually arrive within 2-3 weeks( ebay 6-8weeks) and items are tracked, his accessibility as a seller is second to none and over all a gentleman to deal with. He sold me this bootleg to me and does any other figure/toy you are looking for plus on top of that he does legit figures at great prices so if you in the market for any kind of figure/toy look up his facebook group.
He does not pay me in any way money or figures for this I just want to promote him because I know what it's like to deal with ebay sellers and to find some one like this I trust is priceless as a collector.
With all that said i give this figure

