The Short and Sweet review of The Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light Skyclaw .

This is a ship I had when I was a kid about 10,00 BC, I loved this ship and the figures, when I was a kid I had many battles between Visionaries, He Man, Thundercats,
Transformers,Star Wars, Turtles and G. I. Joes. As a toy from the late 80's this still holds up today with a cool design, guns that pop out and of course holograms!. My original ship has disappeared over time to the lost and found box of Where did they go toys,  I bought this one from eBay this week and am stoked to have it back in my collection. 
Since I started collecting it's been all about collecting more modern figures but thanks to two YouTubers I'm starting to focus a bit more on collecting toys from my childhood and retro toys. It's so worth it because the feeling of having them is more deep and meaningful then any of the modern stuff can give me and I guess that's why most of us spend grown up money on what people think of as childish things. Is it because it brings us back to a time where we had absolute fun with no worries, grown up problems or grown up lives and things were just simpler and we had no internet distractions so we were more focused on those great cartoons which fueled or imagination and made us spend countless hours with those figures, as I said simpler which probably means happier. Can you every replicate that feeling as a kid??? No money, houses,cars,technology even shelves on collectibles action figures can give you the happiness of those simple battles between Visionaries, He Man, Thunders, Transformers and all your favorite heroes and villains.  
I guess this is not really a review of the Skyclaw as much as its a showing of love of what got me here in the world of collecting and where I come from as I believe our generation truly had it the best when it came to this stuff. I'm not going to rate this one as it's a childhood toy that I have had so much fun with it as a kid it feels wrong to judge it. You can see in the pics below my whole Visionaries collection which is not big due to the fact of them disappearing over the years, when I was a kid I played a lot with my stuff and swapped a lot with my friends and I think my Dad might have giving some away because as got older I drifted away from toys but I'm going to hunt down some more and fill out my collection.
If your a collector that maybe has forgotten what you loved as a kid and maybe have got caught up with the newest stuff a little to much I'd say go back in your mind and remember what made you happy as a kid then go hunting, you might find it's worth it.
The two YouTubers I mention earlier  are Dan Larson of Toy Galaxy and Micheal Mercy who's channel is simply named Micheal Mercy. I have followed Dan for a long time and he is for me the best in the business, Michael is newer to me but he is a guy were I can just feel the love for the retro toys and it's infectious.
Check them out here:
Toy Galaxy
Micheal Mercy
I really recommend checking out their channels.
